
I have solved my problem myself. I set action using:            



-----Original Message-----
From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:59 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: Use axis2 to call bpel

Hi Anne;

Can you please explain to me why do you use serviceGroupConetxtID?. If
this is the first request of given invocation , then no point of sending
that in fact you will be getting a SOAP fault as well. If the service is
deployed in SOAP session scope sever will send you the corresponding
servicegroup id , then you can send that from second message invocation
on ward.

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

> What is the SOAPAction URI specified in the WSDL for "initiateProcess"
> operation? You should specify that URI in setAction method.
> Anne
> On 5/10/06, * nancy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have not used that method. My code is:
>     Public void invoke(){
>     Options options = new Options();
>                     boolean exit = false;
>                     String serviceGroupContextId = null;
>                     EndpointReference EPR=new
>     EndpointReference(webserviceURL);
>                     options.setTo(EPR);
>                     options.setTimeOutInMilliSeconds (50000);
>                     ServiceClient serviceClient;
>                     serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
>                     serviceClient.setOptions(options);
>                     MessageContext requestMessageContext = new
>     MessageContext();
>     requestMessageContext.setEnvelope(getRequestEnvelope(messageName,
>     parametersList,
>                                     serviceGroupContextId));
>                     OperationClient opClient = serviceClient
>                                     .createClient(
>     ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
>                     opClient.addMessageContext(requestMessageContext);
>                     opClient.setOptions(options);
>                     opClient.execute(true);
>     }
>     private SOAPEnvelope getRequestEnvelope(String operationName,
>                     HashMap param, String groupContextId) {
>                     String
>     namespace1="http://services.oracle.com/bpel/Process";;
>                     SOAPFactory fac =
>     OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory();
>                     SOAPEnvelope envelope = fac.getDefaultEnvelope();
>                     OMNamespace namespace = fac.createOMNamespace(
>                                     namespace1, "Process");
>                     OMElement params1 = fac.createOMElement(operationName,
>     namespace);
>                     Set set=param.keySet();
>                     Iterator iter=set.iterator();
>                     while(iter.hasNext ()){
>                             String paramName=iter.next().toString();
>                             String
>     paramValue=param.get(paramName).toString();
>                              OMElement paramOM =
>     fac.createOMElement (paramName,namespace);
>                              paramOM.setText(paramValue);
>                              params1.addChild(paramOM);
>                     }
>                     envelope.getBody().setFirstChild(params1);
>                     return envelope;
>             }
>     Thanks
>     Nancy
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Eran Chinthaka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
>     Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 2:34 PM
>     To: axis-user@ws.apache.org <mailto:axis-user@ws.apache.org>
>     Subject: Re: Use axis2 to call bpel
>     Axis2 will never set a non-empty SOAPAction, if you have not called
>     options.setAction(youraction).
>     Are u sure you have not called that method.
>     -- Chinthaka
>     nancy wrote:
>     > Yah I understand that marking message with Urgent won't help in
>     getting
>     > quick reply from others.Anyways,I want to send a SOAP Envelope
>     in the way
>     > that I don't need to manipulate the requested parameter
>     (OMELEMENT) there
>     to
>     > get the parameters.
>     >
>     > I tried it but with no success. Exception is coming:
>     >
>     > Cannot find binding operation definition of soapAction
>     '/orabpel' in
>     >
>     >
>     > My Request was:
>     >
>     >
>     > My request was:
>     >
>     > <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
>     >
>     > <soapenv:Envelope
>     > xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/
>     <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/>"><soapenv:Header
>     />
>     >
>     > <soapenv:Body>
>     >
>     > <Process:initiateProcess
>     >
>     xmlns:Process="http://services.oracle.com/bpel/Process
>     <http://services.oracle.com/bpel/Process>"><Process:primaryKeyV
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > And my ProcessManager.wsdl has no defined SOAP BINDINGS.
>     >
>     > Is it necessary to define soap bindings with wsdl.
>     > Why axis2 is taking /orabpel as soapaction?
>     >
>     > Thanks
>     > Nancy
>     >
>     > -----Original Message-----
>     > From: Eran Chinthaka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
>     > Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:11 PM
>     > To: axis-user@ws.apache.org <mailto:axis-user@ws.apache.org>
>     > Subject: Re: URGENT Use axis2 to call bpel
>     >
>     > Hi Nancy,
>     >
>     > First, marking your messages to this list as URGENT won't help
>     you in
>     > any means. Rather it will make the case worse. Opensource
>     developers are
>     > willing and like to help others, but can not be forced to do so
>     (except
>     > you have a private service contract with them ;) ).
>     >
>     >
>     > nancy wrote:
>     >> Can anyone tell how to use axis 2 to call bpel process. Earlier
>     I was
>     >> using java classes generated by wsdl2java tool of axis1.But
>     now; I don't
>     >> want to use java classes. I want to just mention web service URL,
>     >> message name and parameters.For eg:
>     >>
>     >
>     > ..............
>     >
>     >
>     >> But using this I need to write code to get result out of
>     OMElement. Or
>     >> you can say I want to know how bpel process can understand the
>     output or
>     >> input of axis2? I am using ORACLE BPEL.
>     >>
>     >
>     > Sorry I can not understand this problem. Do you wanna send a
>     SOAPEnvelop
>     > e and get back only the Body first child ? If you can explain a
>     bit more
>     > I might be able to help you.
>     >
>     > BTW, Axis2 or any web service engine do not care whether you
>     talk to a
>     > BPEL server or not. It sends out and receive SOAP messages,
>     that's all.
>     >
>     > -- Chinthaka
>     >
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> Thanks
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >

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