If it is behave like that , then that definitely a bug  :)

can you please help me to re generate the problem .


> Hello,
> Hopefully somebody might be able to shed some light.
> I have a class called CatalogueService which implements two methods
> getSearchResults() and getRecord() in that order.
> I have specified RPCMessageReceiver as my messagereceiver.
> Surprisingly, the REST endpoint reference appears to only expose the
> first method implemented in the CatalogueService class. The second
> method throws an "HTTP response code: 500".
> When I switch the methods around the previously working method throws
> the error and the previously mulfunctioning method starts working.
> Is this behaviour expected?
> My service.xml file reads:
> <service name="NEEDSService">
> <description>
>        North East Environmental Data Server Web Service Container.
> </description>
> <messageReceivers>
> <messageReceiver mep="http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/in-out";
> class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver" />
> </messageReceivers>
>    <parameter name="ServiceClass"
> locked="false">uk.ac.ncl.needs.ws.CatalogueService</parameter>
> </service>
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