I have solved this one now. In case someone else gets the same blank page, the solution is dirt-simple, but the reasons are somewhat subtle:


Even though my JDK is at 1.5 and the happyaxis.jsp shows that (which is what was fooling me):

Examining System Properties

java.runtime.name=Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition


... behind that, the RedHat Linux JDK is at 1.4.


Reading up on the tomcat classloader policy (which is a great doc about classloader usage by the way):




...got me to thinking that maybe parts of Axis are also ignoring CLASSPATH settings AND Redhat’s xerces parser is non-compliant or some such...


...or perhaps the current Axis install.html documentation, which leads  you to believe that if all the above versions are set, and happyaxis.jsp is happy, then you don’t have to download and install the Xerces jars.


Bottom line is that this just ain’t so, or wasn’t in my case. Adding the Xerces jars, as per that install.html (that comes with the Axis download zip) cured the blank screen, i.e. all my web services show up now when I click List to “View the list of deployed Web services”


As someone else mentioned, when he had a similar problem (with a similar solution), it would be nice if Axis would complain somewhere (in the log or happyaxis.jsp) if it cant’ find what it needs jar-wise. Otherwise, we’re just left to tinkering and luck to track down this kind of problem.


I’ve tried to put enough keywords in this email that others can find this solution in the mail archives or googling. Maybe someone who knows how could add a short blurb in the install.html doc?






From: Ben Ethridge
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:07 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: AxisServlet returns "And now... Some Services" only (blank page)


Same error when I moved them from axis/lib.


Did you mean common/endorsed or common/lib/endorsed?


Unless there are other suggestions, next I’m going to try the “Advanced Installation” as per apache axis’ install.html.  This is how I have it set up and running ok in Eclipse. (I currently have it set up the basic way, as per that same install.html.)




From: Ben Ethridge
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:53 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: AxisServlet returns "And now... Some Services" only (blank page)


Thanks. From where did you move them?




From: McCauley, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:27 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: AxisServlet returns "And now... Some Services" only (blank page)


Not sure if this will help.  I just ran into the same problem and move the saaj.jar and jaxrpc.jar to the TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/endorsed.  I read in the install documentation for Axis that this might be necessary for Tomcat 4 and Java 1.4 so I tried it and it worked.  I am running Tomcat 5.0.28 and Java on a windows box.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Ethridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:19 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: AxisServlet returns "And now... Some Services" only (blank page)



I’ve spent several hours now, on google and yahoo attempting to track down why AxisServlet is returning just a blank page with “And now... Some Services” on it. Looking at the logs in tomcat shows no error (or warning or info) about what might be the problem. Google was uncharacteristically useless on this one, but I found some hints on Yahoo using a search term of:


“And now... Some Services” blank


This was the best hint so far:




My symptoms are exactly as stated in the above. I can remove all the packages and classes in my web service deployment and I then get more “reasonable” errors, i.e. ClassNotFoundException and such.  Also, I can remove the offending <service> entirely from the server-config.wsdd, at which point Axis behaves normally, showing the usual set of installed Axis services when I call the AxisServlet, so it’s clearly a problem in my <service> or classes  or classpath, but Axis isn’t giving me a clue as to what the problem is. 


This is running ok in my Eclipse set-up, but it’s set up somewhat differently there.


I’m guessing that there is some subtle library version problem or classpath problem, and I’ve been tinkering with both for many hours with no success yet.


Any ideas on what might be causing this or how I can narrow down the problem?


I’ve tried to turn on DEBUG logging for axis, but no success with that yet either. Is there a way to do that?


My setup is as follows:


Axis 1.2.1

Tomcat 5.5.17

Java 1.5.0_07

Linux Redhat 3.4.5-2, which if I remove my custom JAVA_HOME to JDK1.5 shows java version 1.4.2


From the Yahoo search results, people seem to be finding their solution tinkering and blind luck, so hopefully we’re missing something simple about Axis deployment, yes?






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