Crud, I forgot to mention I was using the 1.0 release, but have
since upgraded and re-tested against the 2006/06/22 nightly snapshot.

Tim Oertel wrote, on or about 6/23/2006 9:20 AM:
I'm trying to set up a server with a service something like:

<xs:element name="Update">
       <xs:element type="xs:anyType" name="id"   minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
       <xs:element type="xs:anyType" name="arg0" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
       <xs:element type="xs:anyType" name="arg1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

I'm invoking the service via REST via http://.../Update?id=123&arg0=test+01

When my hand-written service is invoked, I do a toString on the OMElement
my service is invoked with.  It returns:
<axis2ns1:Update xmlns:axis2ns1="http://foo/xsd"; />

... without any of my parameters.

When I specify the collection as <xs:sequence> rather than <xs:all>, invoke
it the same way, it returns:

<axis2ns2:Update xmlns:axis2ns2="http://foo/xsd";>
        <arg0>test 01</arg0>

which is what I expect (both from this and from the <any> case above), but
it doesn't seem to honor the "minOccurs" attribute in the wsdl.  Also, it
doesn't seem to care about ordering (which is fine with me, but seems
contrary to the WSDL spec).

Am I probably (or definitely) doing something wrong, or are these bugs in

- Tim

Tim Oertel       |"Why should I be content to simply
VP Engineering   | live in this world, when I, as a
Ashergroup, Inc. | human being, can CREATE it?!"
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