
I have an Axis2 service running in our production environment. The web service call completes, but control is not returned to the client.

It is passing back 1.2Mb of binary data, via MTOM. Smaller amounts of binary work consistently (say 350Kb or so). The client is Axis1 (Java). The app server is JBoss 4.0.3 running on Linux, with JDK 1.4. MTOM is enabled, according to the documentation:

<parameter name="enableMTOM" locked="false">true</parameter>

The server-side processing always completes, in around 1 minute, according to the log files, even when the data is not returned. According to the JBoss console, the request is still being processed, even though the web service call is complete.

Any ideas at all are appreciated!

Thanks, as always,


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