Thanks for you reply! 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodrigo Ruiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 3:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Adding own handler in Java Code?
> Hi Jansen,
> The answer depends on what you mean be "add dynamically". :-)
> If you mean "add a jar at runtime and have it automatically 
> recognized", 
> the answer is that it is very hard. You will need Axis 2 to have this 
> feature built in, or implement yourself a dynamic 
> class-loader like the 
> one used by Axis 2, and a handler with the ability to detect 
> the changes 
> at runtime, and call these "dynamic" handlers when appropriate.

No, I'm lucky, this is not what I meant :)

> If you mean "selecting a subset among an already well-known set of 
> available handlers", the answer is that it is easier :-)
> You will have to create a handler that could act as a 
> "handler chain", 
> and put into it the logic to take the decision about what handlers to 
> actually call when invoked. Depending on what you need, this handler 
> will have the information needed to find out the handlers to 
> call (for 
> example, by parsing a policy), or you may have to include the 
> mechanisms 
> to communicate with it from the service implementations or 
> other points, 
> and configure it at runtime.

OK, this sounds like my problem.

For an example, let's take the LogHandler packaged with axis. How can I
add this (simple, easy) Handler to Axis at runtime? (And remove it later

I have found a way to access the HandlerRegistry
(Service.getHandlerRegistry()). But - without deeper knowledge of the
HandlerChains available - how do I add my Handler (or the LogHandler
mentioned above)?

> Just keep in mind that you need to respect the handlers 
> interface, and 
> call their methods in the appropriate order. That is, to 
> initialise them 
> before invoking them, and the like.

This is something I will concentrate on when I managed to add the
LogHandler provided by Axis :)

Ah, before I forget it again, our Axis version is 1.3 :)

Thanks in advance :)


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