Hi, Andreas

Could you post your WSDL, please ?

I guess, you're using RPCMessageReceiver,
and generated WSDL contains <return> in it's types section.


--- Andreas Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> here's a soap reply of a request which i send through axis2:
> <soapenv:Body>
>    <ns:InfoResponse xmlns:ns="http://mytest.de/xsd";>
>       <return>
>          ...my XML document...
>       </return>
>    </ns:InfoResponse>
> </soapenv:Body>
> How can i get rid of the "<return>" tag surrounding my xml document?
> This
> tag must be added by some axis2 mechanism. But why?
> The response OMElement on my webservice class seems ok...
> -- 
> Andreas Wagner
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