> Did you put WSDL modified by you into META-INF/ in your aar file ?
Yes. It's in the the META-INF directory in the aar file.

> Can you see your WSDL via
> http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/(your-service)?wsdl ?
Yes. My modified file will be displayed.

> I'm not sure but I think,
> you can NOT overwrite WSDL when you use RPCMessageReceiver.
The overwrite seems to work on a "?wsdl" query but not on generating the
response xml.

Andreas Wagner

> Hi, Andreas.
> Did you put WSDL modified by you into META-INF/ in your aar file ?
> Can you see your WSDL via
> http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/(your-service)?wsdl ?
> I'm not sure but I think,
> you can NOT overwrite WSDL when you use RPCMessageReceiver.
> I never try this.
> Regards,
> kinichiro
> --- Andreas Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Kinichiro,
>> > I guess, you're using RPCMessageReceiver,
>> True.
>> > and generated WSDL contains <return> in it's types section.
>> No. There's no tag named "<return>" in the types section. This was
>> also my
>> 1st guess.
>> > Could you post your WSDL, please ?
>> Here is the relevant part of my wsdl file. This is originally
>> generated by
>> axis2 where i only modified 2 elements names (omRequest->request,
>> return->response). It seems the named (request/response) elements
>> take no
>> influence of the soap body xml message generation...
>>   <wsdl:types>
>>     <xs:schema xmlns:ns="http://mytest.de/xsd";
>> targetNamespace="http://mytest.de/xsd";
>> elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
>>       <xs:element name="Info">
>>         <xs:complexType>
>>           <xs:sequence>
>>             <xs:element type="xs:anyType" name="request"/>
>>           </xs:sequence>
>>         </xs:complexType>
>>       </xs:element>
>>       <xs:element name="InfoResponse">
>>         <xs:complexType>
>>           <xs:sequence>
>>             <xs:element type="xs:anyType" name="response"/>
>>           </xs:sequence>
>>         </xs:complexType>
>>       </xs:element>
>>   </wsdl:types>
>> --
>> Andreas Wagner
>> > Hi, Andreas
>> >
>> > Could you post your WSDL, please ?
>> >
>> > I guess, you're using RPCMessageReceiver,
>> > and generated WSDL contains <return> in it's types section.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > kinichiro
>> >
>> > --- Andreas Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> here's a soap reply of a request which i send through axis2:
>> >>
>> >> <soapenv:Body>
>> >>    <ns:InfoResponse xmlns:ns="http://mytest.de/xsd";>
>> >>       <return>
>> >>          ...my XML document...
>> >>       </return>
>> >>    </ns:InfoResponse>
>> >> </soapenv:Body>
>> >>
>> >> How can i get rid of the "<return>" tag surrounding my xml
>> document?
>> >> This
>> >> tag must be added by some axis2 mechanism. But why?
>> >>
>> >> The response OMElement on my webservice class seems ok...
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Andreas Wagner
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