Looking at the email thread "Denis Schlesinger" is suggestiong the fix. BUT no 
one has commited the fix yet..

Any final decision on this BUG?


        Comment by Denis Schlesinger [13/Oct/05 10:03 AM] 
        An object of the class "EntityListResultBean" is being returned by the 
web service. The entries of the list     generated from the member array 
"value" of type "EntityBean" have the same name as the list itself - "value". 
It        should be "item" for each list entry. The same problem occures for 
all other arrays of custom types. 

        [ Permlink ] Comment by Denis Schlesinger [18/Oct/05 06:24 PM] 
        I solved it to my own needs by adding an "else" branch at 
org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializer, line 404: 

        [...] else 
              elementName = new QName(elementName.getNamespaceURI(), "item"); 

        Making the whole if-block: 

        if (!maxOccursUsage) { 
            serializeAttr = null; // since we are putting them here 
            context.startElement(name, attributes); 
            if (itemQName != null) 
                elementName = itemQName; 
            else if(componentQName != null) 
                elementName = componentQName; 
             elementName = new QName(elementName.getNamespaceURI(), "item"); 

        Anyway, this needs to be checked by some other people as well... 

        [ Permlink ] Comment by Chad Wilson [20/Jan/06 05:02 AM] 
        I believe this is a dupe of AXIS-2095, as it was resolved by Anil's fix 
mentioned there, at least in the        Document/Wrapped encoding. 

        [ Permlink ] Comment by René Zanner [31/May/06 05:47 PM] 
        It seems this bug exists also in version 1.3, so please change the 
"Affects version" field to "1.3"! 

        We use Axis 1.3 with a hand written WSDD as well as a manually modified 
WSDL. Our Axis client stubs are generated       using this manually modified 
WSDL file. The stubs expect an "item" element inside the Array wrapper element 
but         deserialize the wrong response without an error. How does that 

        So the Axis client stubs (using the ArrayDeserializer) ignore the wrong 
response from the server and simply     deserialize despite the wrong xml 

        Maybe that's the reason why nobody stumbled over it any more? Since we 
have a .NET client at the other side, we         found this bug very quickly 
and need a fix as soon as possible! 

        Thanks a lot! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Venkatesh Jayaraman (jvenky) 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:21 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: Array is different moving from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4


I am seeing similar bug opened. But not resolved...

Any Idea ...



-----Original Message-----
From: Venkatesh Jayaraman (jvenky)
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:29 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: Array is different moving from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4

I have the code that was generated using 1.2 Axis. 
I do not want to change the code. 
Is there any option in .wsdd file to specify the to get item element in



-----Original Message-----
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:18 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: Array is different moving from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4

See if this article helps:


>From: "Venkatesh Jayaraman (jvenky)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
>To: <axis-user@ws.apache.org>
>Subject: Array is different moving from  Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.4 Date: 
>Wed, 12 Jul 2006 16:03:19 -0700
>In Axis 1.2
><ArrayOfCounterInfo soapenc:arrayType="ns1:CounterInfoType[1]"
><item xsi:type="ns1:CounterInfoType"><Name
>xsi:type="ns1:CounterNameType"> MyCounterName </Name> <Value 
>In Axis 1.4
><ArrayOfCounterInfo soapenc:arrayType="ns1:CounterInfoType[1]"
><ArrayOfCounterInfo xsi:type="ns1:CounterInfoType"><Name
>Basically "item" element in Array is replaced with array element name 
>Can you please explain why this change was done?

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