
Well I took Werners advice and tried to replace the alias of the user to the actual alias in my keystore...

which I got a org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Signature creation failed; nested exception is:
        java.lang.Exception: Cannot find key for alias: 1000166

Now I your advice Maxwell (also read the readme in the interop) and I generated a .pfx by

openssl pkcs12 -export -out www.starfishmobile.com.pfx -inkey www.starfishmobile.com.key -in www.starfishmobile.com.crt

and improrting it in my keystore

java -cp org.mortbay.jetty.jar org.mortbay.util.PKCS12Import www.starfish.com.pfx www.starfish.com.jks

When I keystool -list -v
Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: 1
Creation date: Jul 14, 2006
Entry type: keyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1

Well I was able to successfully connect to the WebService but still with another exception which is. I'm guessing that its something to do with the alias not 1000166. What do you think.
Invalid key data length - with nested exception:
[com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_InvalidKeyException: Invalid key data length] </faultstring>

Just wondering, I was able to create the Private Key PFX since I have a .p12, .key files. What if the key was created using keytool, and I got a .jks. How then can I generate a .pfx? I'm guessing I need to convert it back to .p12 use the openssl method to generate all this, which is really annoying to do..

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