Thanks Robert your advice put me on the right track...

I ended up using an login(username, password) method for authentication
then wired in a MethodSecurityInterceptor to take care of checking
access based on the authenticated users granted authorities. 

Thanks Again,

- Doug

-----Original Message-----
From: robert lazarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Has anyone used Acegi Security with Axis?

I know both acegi / spring and handlers a bit so perhaps I can help.
Are you using Axis2 ? In this case there is not much difference,
although I myself no longer use axis 1.x . While my experience is with
acegi .9x , I notice now there is a 1.0 release and the docs do
reference web services but not handlers.

My general advice:

1) Consider just using a web service such as login() to authorize /
authenticate and then use an UUID to mantain state much as jsessionid
does for the acegi SecurityContextHolder . You can then programatically
login via acegi . That's the approach I used instead of handlers. I've
used handlers to authenticate via jaas on other projects and I've
convinced myself the uuid approach is simpler.

2) Search the spring / acegi forums. This topic has come up before, and
I believe I participated in the discusssions once or twice.

3) If you use a Handler , one issue you may hit is how to wire it to
Spring ? Once you got it wired, you could follow the strategy I outlined
in step 1 . One way you could wire it is to use the
ApplicationContextAware interface . This is described in the tutorial of
how to use axis2 in a non-servlet container environment:

If you do use axis2 , I at least would be interested in the progress so
that perhaps we could document it or even look at integrating it into
rampart (axis2 security) .


On 8/15/06, Bell, Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to use Acegi Security to handle authentication and 
> authorization but am having a heck of a time... Any chance someone out

> there has done this and can point me to some reference material or a 
> reference implementation they can pass my way?
> Thanks,
> Doug

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