
I emailed Robert Lazarski to get more information about integrating Axis2 with Spring, to which he helpfully pointed me to the following solution:

> Spring support is in the nightlies:
> http://people.apache.org/dist/axis2/nightly/
> Its documented here:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/webservices/axis2/trunk/java/xdocs/latest/spring.html

This solution outlined here requires the Spring applicationContext.xml to live outside the AAR service file in the Axis2 WEB-INF folder and is configured within the web.xml, which is not as modular as I would like.

I was wondering if there's any way to preserve service isolation by incorporating the ApplicationContext.xml / BeanFactory.xml inside the AAR. As I would prefer not to have to update the axis2 WEB-INF folder applicationContext.xml file with updates to the AARs bean classes every time I release new code. I wasn't sure if it was possible but thought I'd ask Robert anyway. He suggested I post the question here.

Thanks in advance for any replies,


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