FWIW, your test case works fine with latest nightly when accessing via


and using "/services" should give you a warning to enable REST.


-- dims

On 9/25/06, D. Kreft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/25/06, Spies, Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What Dims and Robert forgot to mention is that Axis 2.0 is really a major
> rewrite of the SOAP stack (hence the split of URLs, one for Axis 1 and one
> for Axis 2). So the same growing pains apply here as with any new project.
> Not that I don't feel your pain--I have been there many times before, trust
> me--but I can also remember a time when free software was not in such
> abundance. Given the excellent price of the software, it may be worthwhile to
> stick it out with the nightlies until version 1.1 is released (which I
> believe is at the end of this month, more or less).

The benefits you mention are not lost on me--the price is definitely
right when taken at its face. However, the poor messaging regarding
the stability/completeness of Axis2 1.0 has resulted in a net *loss*
for my employer as I went down a week-long rabbit trail. I can handle
incomplete/instable software--when I'm warned ahead of time that is
what I'm using.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of D.Kreft
> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:37 PM
> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Axis2: simple service fails to work
> On 9/25/06, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > JIRA Please. Can i assume you are trying the nightly?
> No, I'm not using the nightly. I'm using the last "good" release--1.0
> because I'm trying to develop a *production* application for my
> employer, and the thought of having core business functionality
> running on a nightly release of third-party software quite frankly is
> not a sane development practice--there is too much money on the line
> here.
> I think at this point, I'm going to have to complete give up on using Axis2.
> I and another developer I work with have had a number of difficulties
> with Axis 1.4, none of which I'll bother to go into here, but suffice
> to say that when we saw that Axis2 had finally reached version 1.0
> ("out of Beta" we thought), we were optimistic that the revised Axis
> would obviate the need for some of the hacks we have in place to
> overcome some of Axis's quirks. So I got my manager's blessing to see
> what it takes to take the humble beginnings of my new service (already
> mostly functional in Axis 1.4) and make it work in Axis2. I was hoping
> it'd be a fairly straightforward deal, but after working on it for
> five solid days, I have nothing more to show for my hard work than a
> handful e-mails to this list, three subsequent requests for me to file
> JIRAs, and a crippled service.
> Did I misinterpret the major-number version bump? Is Axis2 really not
> out of Beta yet? Because if it *is* supposed to be out of Beta at this
> stage, then I cannot help but be profoundly disappointed....the
> documentation is very sparse, often times irrelevant, sometimes
> contradictory, counter-intuitive, and not terribly clear when it can
> be found (I actually found more information in artciles *about* Axis2
> than I did from the actual Axis2 website!!!!).  If it's still
> considered "Beta" then that needs to be *clearly* and prominently
> documented on the Axis2 website.
> But documentation woes aside, what really disappoints me is that it
> doesn't look as if anyone tested the seemingly simple case where the
> developer writes a service implementation class, let Axis2 divine its
> own WSDL from it, and have at least one of the methods return a simple
> object. Axis2 seems to have no problems returning simple data types
> (ints, Strings, primitive arrays of strings, etc.), but as soon as an
> object is returned, all Hades breaks loose. And now, writing a
> brain-dead simple service fails and I have to file a bug report for
> that!
> So now I've lost a full week of productivity (and a few handfuls of
> hair)...all because I naively thought that version 1.0 meant "Okay,
> we're ready for the real world."  It obviously isn't, and I can't help
> but think that someone got a little trigger-happy in promoting Axis2
> to version 1.0. In my humble estimation, it could have used a bit more
> time "baking" in Beta (i.e. with a 0.x version number). If I had any
> idea that Axis was still so raw, I wouldn't have wasted a 40-hour work
> week on trying to get it to work...or the couple of hours I've spent
> this morning trying to come up with a "simple" example of Axis2 puking
> when an object is returned from a service method.
> I don't doubt that the Axis2 developers are working very hard to get
> all these issues resolved, but for goodness sake...you can't release a
> product as version 1.0--which implies a non-Beta, stable release--when
> the new product lacks much of the basic functionality that people are
> going to need and that they are used to having provided for them by
> the previous release (Axis 1.x).
> -dan
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