Well in the current code base we do not have a way to get either
operation client or message context from the stub. I think we can
provide a way to access the current message context in the stub and from
that SOAP envelop and any other properties.

So please create a JIRA so that we will not forget the issue.


Shaoguang Cong wrote:

> Deepal Jayasinghe has a paper mentioned that.
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-soa-axis2-1/ 
> "With service clients you can only access SOAP body or the pay load.
> Of course you can add SOAP headers but you do not have a way to
> retrieve SOAP header from service client. For that you will need to
> use an operation client."
> The problem is that the generated stub doesn't give a way to access
> the operation client.
> So from the client stub, one seems cannot get access to the operation
> client, messageContext or SOAPHeader. Anybody knows if there's a way
> to get such info from client handler?
> Shaoguang
> */Jatinder Kaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     I am also looking to do the same -- basically, the Stub is just
>     returning the SOAP Body. I would also like to retrieve SOAP
>     Headers without having to modify the stub (generated) code.
>     Is there any way to do this?
>     Thanks,
>     Jatinder
>     On 12/1/06, *hoy hoy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         I know how to add headers, via:
>         stub._getServiceClient().addStringHeader(...)
>         however, after the call is made;
>         stub.MyMethodToInvoke(...)
>         I want to view the soap headers that are returned.  Using
>         ethereal (network sniffer) I can see the headers, but they are
>         not exposed on the stub class.  There are no, stub.getHeader
>         (...) methods that I can use, unless I need to do something
>         fancier?
>         How do I get the SOAPEnvelope from a Stub?  Eseentially, the
>         stub is all I'm working with or do I need to look elsewhere?
>         Thanks so much for your help Brennan!
>         Hoy
>         On 11/30/06, *Brennan Spies* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>             The SOAPEnvelope (which you create on the client or
>             receive from the service) has a getHeader() method for
>             getting the SOAPHeader axiom class that has the
>             appropriate methods. The ServiceClient (class member in
>             the Stub) also has helper methods for adding SOAP headers.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             *From:* hoy hoy [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
>             *Sent:* Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:55 PM
>             *To:* axis-user@ws.apache.org <mailto:axis-user@ws.apache.org>
>             *Subject:* how to get soap header from stub in axis2
>             Hi all,
>             I'm using Axis 2 1.1 and have a stub that was generated
>             from a WSDL.  The soap call that I'm making returns SOAP
>             headers, namely session information.  How can I retrieve
>             those SOAP headers from my stub?  What methods or helper
>             classes do I need to use?
>             Thanks,
>             Hoy
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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