I'm trying to write the WSDL for an already existing web service that
has some strange requirements. For instance, it won't accept elements with an
explicit namespace prefix, such as <ns1:Element
xmlns:ns1="namespace"/>; it will only accept it if it looks like
<Element xmlns="namespace"/>. If it matters, some of these elements are request 

Is there a way to have Axis omit the explicit naming of the namespace?
I'm not that familiar with SOAP, but I believe I'm making a weird
request, am I not? Please don't bash me, I'm just the messenger :)

In case you were wondering the server is using .Net and there's no way I
can have them change the definition or the implementation.

Thanks in advance,
Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

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