Yes - right now the tools available in Axis2 does not let you directly
convert a schema into a web service so you will have to make a WSDL
document that uses that schema. However making a doc/lit WSDL using
your schema is quite simple and straight forward. I have included a
simple format you can follow

<definitions targetNamespace="xx' xmlns:tns="xx">
  <!-- don't forget the other namespaces in the parent !! -->
        <!-- import your schema here -->
  <!-- define two messages - one for input and one for output
        the names really does not matter since they are only used
        for reference -->
  <message name="input">
       <part element="yourInputMessageElement" name="part1"/>
   <message name="output">
       <part element="yourInputMessageElement" name="part1"/>

   <portType name="YourPorttypeName">
       <operation name="yourOperationName">
           <input message="tns:input" name="in"/>
           <output message="tns:output" name="out"/>

 <binding name="yourBinding"
       <soap:binding style="document"
       <operation name="yourOperationName">
           <soap:operation soapAction="http://soapinterop.org/";
           <input name="in">
               <soap:body  use="literal"/>
           <output name="out">
               <soap:body  use="literal"/>

   <service name="yourServiceName">
       <port binding="tns:yourBinding"

Note that the names of the portTypes bindings etc can be anything but
the generated classes do reflect them. Say the generated java classs
will contain the methods with the operation names.


On 12/22/06, Danny Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are limited to use a pre-defined schema to create a web service. I have
the schema as well as an sample XML document. What should I do next to
create a web service in Axis2? I've read through all the sample codes but I
couldn't find one that directs me from this path of development. Do I need
to manually create a WSDL from this schema then use the wsdl2java tool to
generate a stub?


Ajith Ranabahu

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