
Axis and Axis2 are web service frameworks. They make it easier for you
to implement web service clients and services. Axis supports web
services that use the SOAP protocol. Axis2 supports SOAP as well as
"plain old XML" (POX) over HTTP services.

Both Axis and Axis2 server-side frameworks are implemented as
servlets. They run on Tomcat or some other servlet engine. (They both
also support a stand-alone configuration, but it's not recommended for
production systems.)

From a server-side perspective, for in-bound messages, they receive
HTTP requests, process the XML message, and dispatch the request by
invoking the appropriate service method. The "process the XML message"
step includes processing message headers and optionally translating
the XML body into Java objects. (A configuration file tells the
framework how to process the message.) For out-bound messages, the
framework takes the return value, packages it back into an XML
message, adds any required headers, and returns the message to the

From a client-side perspective, for each request, it packages the
request into an XML message, adds any required headers, sends the
message to the appropriate server, and waits for a response. On
response, it processes the XML message and returns the return value to
the application.

Hope this helps.


On 12/29/06, Frank Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, All,

I have a general question about tomcat and AXIS. Is
there any relation or execlusion between the two? I am
currently starting to work on a web service
application which the web server is hosted on TOMCAT
and the client is using AXIS to parse WSDL and making
SOAP/http calls et cetera. My web service application
basically intends to expose some functionalities of
another application through web serivce (so there is a
server component), it also try to use thrid party web
services to integrate with my other applications's
functionality (so there is a client component). The
server side is really simple from architectural point
of view, it basically just a servlet respoding to
SOAP/http calls (like publish WSDL and handling
operations as defined in the generated WSDL).

Now I am trying to expand and enhance the web service
application, but as a web service novice, I would like
to seek some expert advices here.

(1) Can I use AXIS on the server side? can AXIS
replace the servlet?

(2) On the client side, currently I am just able to
make SOAP/http calls. I know AXIS2 offers lots of new
features. Which of those are more important than
others from web service perspective? I am trying to
enhance my web service client so that I can better
consume third party web services like Google adwords
et cetera.

(3) Is there such a thing called platform web service?
What are the essential features of it? Maybe I am
asking wrong question here, but I am trying to
understand what I can do to enhance my server side
compoent, which currently is just a servlet

Well, enough for now, any feedback is really

Thanks much in advance.


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