not sure if this is what you want? This invokes a web service without the wsdl:

MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage soapMessage = factory.createMessage();
SOAPBody body = soapMessage.getSOAPBody();
SOAPConnectionFactory conFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPConnection soapConnection = conFactory.createConnection();
SOAPMessage soapReply =, WebServiceURL;


mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

On 1 Feb 2007, at 13:13, Jeff Greif wrote:

Axis incorporates SAAJ and wsdl4j.  The first is used to create and
manipulate SOAP envelopes and their content.  The second is used to
read information from WSDLs.  If you Google for these APIs you can
find descriptions of how to use them; perhaps they are adequate to
your purpose.

Axis also provides an example of dynamic invocation which uses the
Call interfaces.


On 2/1/07, Venky Vasant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have used Apache Axis and have written a client which connects to webservices and gets response using Invoke, it worked fine for me thanks for this one.

Unfortunately my requirement is to write a client which builds SOAP XML from the regular XML myself and may be read WSDL (i am guessing that AXIS read WSDL to create SOAP envelope around the regular XML) to add proper namespaces and then use Call method tto get the response.
This means kind of avoid a upper layer of abstraction

Let me know if this can be done, if yes let me know how and if there is code i can go through and use for my web-service client


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