There's an error in the WSDL.
The name attribute in the <wsdl:fault> (name="getVersionFault") must
match the name attribute in the <wsdl:part> definition that defines
the fault message (name="part1").

I suggest you switch to Axis2 1.1.1.


On 2/5/07, donald yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I use AXIS1.4 to parse the version.wsdl generated by AXIS2-1.1, I got
the following error:

"ERROR: Missing <soap:fault> element inFault "getVersionFault" in operation
"getVersionFault", in binding getVersion"

The reason is that it has defined http binding and soap 1.2 binding.

Is there anyone know how to fix this bug? many thanks inadvance.

best regards

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