Hi Anne,
Thanks for the response.

Here is what we were able to get working with Axis 1.4, and have been 
struggling with Axis 2...
Our input message contained TWO parts, one destined for the body, and the 
other destined for the header (we set this up in the binding).
The header contains security info that gets used by WSSJ - pretty typical 
usage best we can tell.

When we ran WSDL2Java using Axis 1.4, the resulting stubs resulted in a 
method signature for each of the methods that looked something like:

message (header, body).

Using Axis2, the WSDL does get parsed correctly (even though we have 
defined two parts for the input message), but the resulting method 
signature in the skeleton code always turns out like:


Note the body is absent, even though it was set up to be one of the two 
parts for the message.

Other than the fact that we need to pack our security tokens into the 
header, the WSDL is pretty basic. I can't rule out that transmogrifying 
the WSDL to work with Axis 2 has led to some errors creeping in - at this 
point, we've been staring at it for quite a while and can't see what we 
may be doing wrong. I'm attaching the WSDL here - perhaps someone can 
eyeball a problem we've missed. Note the header/body setup in the binding 
- we construct the binding by hand - is there any way to annotate a 
message part as being destined for the header so that we could use Eclipse 
WTP to generate the binding automagically?


"Anne Thomas Manes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
02/06/2007 03:08 PM
Please respond to


Re: Axis2: skeleton differences w/Axis 1.4

"changing a few 'types' to 'elements'" tells me that the original WSDL
was defined as style="rpc", and my guess is that it used RPC/encoded.
Unfortunately, you have to do a little more than just tweak the
"types" to "elements". For one thing, when using document style, your
message may contain at monst one body element. That element must
reference an element definition in your types section that contains
all your input parameters. See my blog on wrapped document/literal for
some guidance:



> Hello,
> Just wondering if anyone has encountered this:
> Using WSDL2JAVA on Axis 1.4,  our endpoint binding implementation
> automagically produced method signatures that took into account multiple
> arguments.
> Using the same WSDL in Axis 2.0, the skeleton generated has a method
> signature with only one of the required types as an argument. The second 
> seems to have disappeared.
> The only 'tweaks' we have made to the WSDL for Axis 2 involve changing a 
> 'types' to 'elements' to get the WSDL2JAVA to parse the WSDL.
> Can anyone eyeball something we may be missing?
> Thanks
> \Sarwar

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