Hi Larry,

You're correct on your assumptions, that if a Calendar is being returned it should have a consistent time value and time zone. In this case the time zone of the Calendar should be set to UTC. That said, there are some seriously warped issues involved - Calendar *always* works with time zones, while xsd:dateTimes either use UTC times or times with no zone information (where the latter have basically a half-day uncertainty factor). xsd:dateTimes do not support time zones in the Java sense at all.

The inappropriate use of Calendar for XML dateTime values in Java is a long-standing issue that goes back to JAX-RPC days. Calendar just doesn't work for dateTimes, which is why recent versions of Java have an added javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar class. Ironically, the java.util.Date class *is* a direct representation of standard dateTime values, as long as you don't need sub-millisecond precision - but because everyone got brainwashed into working with Calendar in Java that's also what XML code generally uses.

The JiBX data binding support uses java.util.Date as the standard xsd:dateTime representation, so one solution would be to switch to using JiBX. I believe the JiBX linkage code generated by WSDL2Java also handles the xsi:nillable issue properly, only generating this when allowed by the schema and throwing an exception if a required value is null.

Aside from that, I suggest you enter bug reports in the Axis2 Jira on these issues.

- Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Johnson, Larry D (LJOHNSON) wrote:

I did not specify what platform we are using. We are currently using Axis2 v1.1, Java v1.5 and Tomcat 5.5.20.

I have also run a similar test using the .NET framework. The client receives a DateTime object from the stubs. On .NET, the value returned to the client is correct for the current timezone. This appears to be an issue in the generated Java stub classes.

Also, I saw one additional oddity. As reported below, the WSDL generated element for the java.util.Date element is as follows:

<xs:element name="departureTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>

Even though I have not specified that this should be a required field, it does not have an attribute of nillable=”true”; however the SOAP message being returned to the client has the form:

<departureTime xmlns:nil="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; nil:nil="true" />

The nillable attribute is set true here. On the client side, the following exception is received:

_java.lang.RuntimeException_: _java.lang.NumberFormatException_

at com.arinc.afd.clfengine.client.jl.JLCommandProcessorServiceStub.fromOM(Unknown Source)

at com.arinc.afd.clfengine.client.jl.JLCommandProcessorServiceStub.processLocateBooking(Unknown Source)

at com.arinc.afd.jal.webapp.CLFTestClient.jlLocateBooking(_CLFTestClient.java:101_)

at com.arinc.afd.jal.webapp.CLFTestClient.main(_CLFTestClient.java:315_)

Caused by: _java.lang.NumberFormatException_

at org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil.convertToDateTime(_ConverterUtil.java:499_)

at com.arinc.afd.clfengine.client.jl.JLCommandProcessorServiceStub$Flight$Factory.parse(Unknown Source)

Any thoughts?


Larry Johnson


*From:* Johnson, Larry D (LJOHNSON) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:59 AM
*To:* axis-user@ws.apache.org
*Subject:* TimeZone Not Handled Properly In java.util.Date Conversions

It seems the conversions of the java.util.Date class are not being handled properly. I have defined a server return value of a java.util.Date. The WSDL automatically generated for that value is as follows:

<xs:element name="departureTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>

The client stub is generated using the provided WSDL2Java. The client stub returns a java.util.Calendar object for this value. So far all is well. The problem comes in when you start looking into the handling of the TimeZone from server to client. Lets say both client and server are within the “Central Standard Time” zone. When the server provides the Date object to the POJO interface, the time is “1970-01-01T23:55:00.000”. Axis2 then converts that time to a GMT time. The SOAP message contains “1970-01-02T05:55:00.000Z”. Again all is well. When the client gets the Calendar object from the stub classes, the value is: 01/02/1970 11:55:00 Greenwich Mean Time. The time value is incorrect for the TimeZone indicate; however, it is correct for the local TimeZone.

The client simply performs the following:


Am I missing something here? Should the returned Calendar either keep the time consistent with GMT or convert the time to local time while changing the TimeZone to indicate the local TimeZone?


Larry Johnson

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