I tried the nightly but it doesn't have the xsdconfig support for wsdl2java that is trunk. Is the fix in trunk?


mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

On 19 Mar 2007, at 10:28, Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

On 3/19/07, Alistair Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<xs:import id="askRepoTypes" namespace="uk:ac:ox:oucs:ask:repo:ws:types" schemaLocation=" ask- repo-types.xsd"/>
I'm using trunk from about 2 weeks ago. I can only use trunk as I need the xsdconfig support, which isn't in 1.1.1. The xsd and wsdl are in the same directory.

But those generated xsd files must contain all the namespaces as in the original xsd
they do - but the generated xsd has a different name from the original so the original wsdl will never work

you mean wsdl file still contain the old (original xsd file name?)
In that case please check with a new build I fixed this issue

Does your service name map with the wsdl name?

document/literal type wsdl
my wsdl is doc-lit anyway



mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

On 19 Mar 2007, at 09:49, Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

On 3/19/07, Alistair Young < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
that will never work as the imported namespace is renamed by Axis2:

original WSDL:
<xs:import id="askRepoTypes" namespace="uk:ac:ox:oucs:ask:repo:ws:types" schemaLocation=" ask- repo-types.xsd"/>

ask-repo-types.xsd is renamed to xsd0.xsd, so ask-repo-types.xsd does not exist in the deployed service.

the generated wsdl bears no resemblence to the original - why does axis2 do that?


mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

On 19 Mar 2007, at 08:56, Kin Onn Low wrote:

To user your user defined wsdl, add :

<parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter>

to the services.xml  file.

From: Alistair Young [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:45 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [AXIS2] targetnamspace wrong in Axis2 version of wsdl with imported xsd

Can Axis2 wsdl2java not handle imported schema files? The imported xsd file gets renamed to xsd0.xsd and all the namespaces in it are ignored. xsd0.xsd is not referenced in the new wsdl - why is it creating a NEW wsdl? and all the types that reference xsd0.xsd get changed to xsi:anyType, so nothing works.

Are you working with the  Axis2 1.1.1 or nightly builds?
those file names are re named since there is a problem if there is a location specifed other than the same location ( I.e eg ../../ test/test.xsd). But those generated xsd files must contain all the namespaces as in the original xsd. (please log a jira for this). this generated xsd file syntactically must be equal to original. Does your service name map with the wsdl name? otherwise it does not pick the wsdl. In Axis2 1.1.1 a given wsdl is always converted to document/ literal type wsdl. But it is fixed now.

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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