I have some MTOM sample code in which a client sends all files in its
"transfer" directory to a service.  The server sends the files back to the
client, which stores them in its "received" directory, and does a
byte-to-byte compare to make sure the files in the two directories match.

1.  Sometimes 1 extra byte is received.  This is a 255 (0xff).

2.  When I set the client option CACHE_ATTACHMENTS to true, a client-side
thread loops, appending bytes of 0xff to a .ATT file in the attachments

The problems occur in both 1.1.1 and in 1.2 RC1.  My guess is both problems
might have the same cause:  an incorrect cast of an int to a byte, and then
testing for -1 (eof); bytes have value 0 to 255, not -1.

Are these known problems?


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