
NoClassDefFoundError is a linkage error. Probably because the ClassLoader
that loaded org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig is unable to "see" the
ClassLoader that loaded HttpSessionListener (i.e. it was loaded by a child or
sibling ClassLoader). AFAIK, Tomcat does not expose its classloading tree via
JMX, so you may have to do some investigative work using logging calls like
(retrieving different ClassLoaders)...

ClassLoader cl = Class.forName("some.test.class").getClassLoader();

Class.forName("javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener", false,

My guess (?) is that HttpSessionListener is in one of the jars on your Shared
or WebApp classpath, and is not being loaded by the Common classloader.

       Common  (Servlet api classes should be here...)
      /      \
 Catalina   Shared
             /   \
        Webapp1  Webapp2 ... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Brisbin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:17 AM
Subject: Problems using Axis on i5/iSeries/AS400/whatever they call it these

I downloaded the latest Axis 1 so I could provide the C++ guys a way to
contact the 400 from their native code. I put the latest Axis 1.4 and
Tomcat 5.5 on the 400 (v5r4 and Java 1.5). I can get Tomcat to fire up,
but I can't run Axis in it because of a ClassNotFoundError:

2007-04-25 09:10:24,262 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig]

Tomcat itself runs fine, and I can deploy the same files on my Linux box
and they work fine. It looks like when it gets to the 400, there are
some classloader issues and it's not seeing the jar files in the server.

Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do to get this issue
resolved. I really need to get this fixed today if I can manage it.



Jon Brisbin
NPC International, Inc.

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