
I have not a solution for your problem, because I have the same one :)

Please take a look at this bug http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RAMPART-29

Maybe it hits your problem, to.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Gesendet: 09.05.07 20:24:16
> An: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Betreff: Unexpected subelement, encryption problem

> Hello,
> I'm trying to get encryption working with axis using rampart.  I was
> having a hard time getting everything working but think i have worked
> through all the encryption related setup issues (i'm not getting
> random exceptions anymore).
> I currently have the following in my axis2.xml file
> <module ref="rampart" />
> <parameter name="OutflowSecurity">
> <action>
> <items>Encrypt</items>
> <encryptionUser>jontest</encryptionUser>
> <passwordCallbackClass>com.mitel.me.soap.ssserver.TestCallBack</passwordCallbackClass>
> <encryptionPropFile>client.properties</encryptionPropFile>
> </action>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="InflowSecurity">
> <action>
> <items>Encrypt</items>
> <decryptionPropFile>client.properties</decryptionPropFile>
> <passwordCallbackClass>com.mitel.me.soap.ssserver.TestCallBack</passwordCallbackClass>
> </action>
> </parameter>
> client.properties looks like
> org.apache.ws.security.crypto.provider=org.apache.ws.security.components.crypto.Merlin
> org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.type=jks
> org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.file=testkeystore
> org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.password=default
> I created the key using
> keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias ME -keypass default -keystore
> testkeystore -storepass default
> When i start up tomcat i immediately get an error message.
> "java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement Result"
> This is being thrown from an auto generated 'parse' method in one of
> the stub files as seen below.
> public static LoginResponse parse(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader
> reader) throws java.lang.Exception
> <snip a bunch of code>
> if (reader.isStartElement() && new
> javax.xml.namespace.QName("","return").equals(reader.getName())){
> object.set_return(com.mitel.www.mixml.ss.CmdResponse.Factory.parse(reader));
>      reader.next();
> }  // End of if for expected property start element
> else{
> // A start element we are not expecting indicates an invalid parameter
> was passed
> throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Unexpected subelement " +
> reader.getLocalName());
> }
> If i comment out the encryption stuff in the axis2.xml file that i
> mentioned above our web service functions as expected.  I'm pretty
> much at a loss as to what the problem could be.  I've tried attaching
> the debugger and stepping through the auto generated code and nothing
> is jumping out at me as being 'wrong'.
> Anyone have any advice?
> Thanks,
> Jon H.
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