
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, this is server side.  I can get the SOAPEnvelope but then how do I get the 
contents of the elements themselves?  In this case it is a user and password 
element.  The Axis2 JavaDocs have a return value of 
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope for the getEnvelope() method but I don't 
have any docs for that type.

Also, does the class created by XMLBeans for the user and password elements 
come into play at all?  I was expecting to be able to pull in those classes 
created by XMLBeans for these 2 elements.


Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Jack ,
If this is in the server side , you can get the message context and from
that you can get the SOAP envelope and from the soap envelope you can
get the soap headers.

If it is the in the client side  , the the process is ,
 - First you get the last operation context from the service client
 - and then follow the above steps.

> Can anyone answer this question?  I thought this would be fairly
> common but I've not seen any tutorials or anything like that.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks.
> T
> */Jack Sprat /* wrote:
>     I am using Axis 1.2 with XML Beans and need to get the user and
>     password SOAP header elements.  I've set up an Axis2 handler and
>     it is being called properly.
>     My question is how exactly do I get the to the SOAP header elements?
>     Thanks.
>     T

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