Thanks, Haneef, for the quick reply.

Unfortunately, I had to edit the wsdl and it failed under axis2 1.1.1 with a NullPointerException (even though it found the referenced schema)

I've switched to Axis2 1.2, but I haven't been able to get it to run wsdl2java; just sends my poor little MacBook to 100% CPU:

Using AXIS2_HOME:   /Users/velebak/javalibs/axis2-1.2/
Using JAVA_HOME:       /Library/Java/Home
Retrieving schema at 'CoreMain_v1.0.0.xsd', relative to 'file:/Users/ velebak/'.

That's all it does.


Keith E. Veleba
Intellitek Services Ltd.
419-202-2676 cell

On Jun 26, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Ali, Haneef wrote:

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