Hi all,

I downloaded and installed the axis-1.4. I did the example6 "Java2WSDL: 
Building WSDL from Java" in the package and it runs quite well. But in this 
example the web-service is deployed onto axis. 

Now I try to deploy the same web-service onto my own web-app but it failed. 
I've embeded the axis into my own web-app by copying all the sevlet and their 
mapping to my web.xml.

I do as follow:

1. Provide a Java interface
public interface WidgetPrice {
    public void setWidgetPrice(String widgetName, String price);
    public String getWidgetPrice(String widgetName);

2. Create WSDL using Java2WSDL as follow:
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o wp.wsdl  
    -l"http://localhost:8080/myWebApp/services/WidgetPrice"; -n  "urn:Example6" 
    -p"samples.userguide.example6" "urn:Example6"  

A "wp.wsdl" -file is created.

3. Create Bindings using WSDL2Java with:
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s -S true  -Nurn:Example6 
samples.userguide.example6 wp.wsdl

Several .java files and the deploy.wsdd, undeploy.wsdd are created.

4. Deploy the service onto my web-app with:
java org.apache.axis.wsdl.AdminClient  deploy.wsdd

But after deployment I found the web-service is not deployed onto my own 
web-app but onto the axis though in step2 I've defined the server location is 

Could someone tell me the reason?



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