I'm comming late into this thread and don't see the whole problem
here, but beyond what Brennan suggested this also works for me:


Where 'this' could be any object reference. Also, don't forget the
happy axis page shows the jar locations of everything loaded.


On 10/26/07, João Luís Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> <code>
> log1.debug("Loading " + url); //$NON-NLS-1$
> ClassLoader loader =
> AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut.class.getClassLoader();
> if (loader != null)
> {
>     log1.debug("AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut: " //$NON-NLS-1$
>         + loader.getClass().getName());
>     getParents("AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut", loader);
> //$NON-NLS-1$
> }
> loader = Digester.class.getClassLoader();
> if (loader != null)
> {
>     log1.debug("Digester: " //$NON-NLS-1$
>         + loader.getClass().getName());
>     getParents("Digester", loader); //$NON-NLS-1$
> }
> loader = CatalogBase.class.getClassLoader();
> if (loader != null)
> {
>     log1.debug("CatalogBase: " //$NON-NLS-1$
>         + loader.getClass().getName());
>     getParents("CatalogBase", loader); //$NON-NLS-1$
> }
> configParser.parse(url);
> </code>
> <code>
> private void getParents(String string, ClassLoader loader)
> {
>     ClassLoader classLoader = loader;
>     while ((classLoader = classLoader.getParent()) != null)
>     {
>         log1.debug("Parent(" + string + "): " +
> loader.getClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
>     }
> }
> </code>
> On 10/26/07, Brennan Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > 1) Create a simple utility method that recurses up the classloading tree
> > using ClassLoader.getParent()--stop when you get a null from this method.
> > Print out the class name of each ClassLoader.
> > 2) Also print out the class name of each ClassLoader for the classes of
> > interest: Digester, CatalogBase (the impl version), ConfigCatalogRule,
> > AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut. Don't create a new instance; use a
> > static reference to the class like
> > 'ConfigCatalogRule.class.getClassLoader()'. To be thorough, you should check
> > to see if this is null before doing getClass().getName().
> I get:
> [DEBUG] Loading
> file:/Users/jpinto/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/Axis2/WEB-INF/services/AgentPlatformService/chain-config.xml
> [DEBUG] AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut: java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(AgentPlatformServiceMessageReceiverInOut):
> java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Digester: java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(Digester): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] CatalogBase: java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [DEBUG] Parent(CatalogBase): java.net.URLClassLoader
> [ERROR] Begin event threw exception
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.chain.impl.CatalogBase
>         at 
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1358)
> (...)
> I cannot do it for ConfigCatalogRule, because it has default (not
> public) visibility [1].
> [1] 
> http://commons.apache.org/chain/xref/org/apache/commons/chain/config/ConfigCatalogRule.html
> Thanks,
> João
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