MrNobody [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am getting an AxisFault error like this:
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: An uknown error occured 
> processing this SOAP request
> when trying to make a WebService call
> I tried searching for that string and there is nothing on the 
> web. What does this error mean? I do not even know where to 
> begin in debugging this

You could try to reach the WSDL document using your web browser, by
pointing your browser to the web service endpoint and appending ?wsdl to
the url. For instance, if the web service endpoint is, you could try to reach If this works, you at
least know that the service is available. If it doesn't work, it doesn't
really tell you anything. 

Other than that, stick a file in your classpath and set
rootlogger level to DEBUG. That should produce a lot of output, so that
you can see what axis2 is trying to do. 

Ove Gram Nipen
Delfi Data

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