It's not certain that your problem is caused by parsing the XML-encoded string. Perhaps it would be worth testing the hypothesis by using one of the Axis2 samples that echo a string. Invoke it with the several hundred KB string you've been testing with and measure sending and receiving times on client and server.


Scott Malinowski wrote:

This is probably a SOAP question more than an AXIS2 question. If there is a better place to post my question please let me know.

I have written a SOAP web service using AXIS2. It returns XHTML as a string. The problem is on the client side. It takes several minutes to process the response, which is only a few hundred kilobytes. My research on this has pointed me to the fact that the XHTML within the SOAP response has become encoded (e.g. '<' has become '&lt;') and that it is taking awhile for this data to be converted back. It only takes a second or so for the client to send the request and receive a response. The time delay comes when I call getSOAPBody() on the client. I have tried wrapping the XHTML in '<<![CDATA[' and ']]>' but to no avail (it is still encoded in the SOAP response). How do I return XHTML so that Axis2 and/or SOAP ignores the XHTML when building the response and leaves it unencoded?


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