
I would like to know if java.rmi.ServerException would be thrown if the
server hosting the web services is down.
Also is there a way I could differentiate if the server is down or if there
is no data returned. I am using wsdl2java axis tool to generate java
classes. This is what I do in my java class.

protected void handleException(final String exception, final Throwable t)
        throws BusinessException {
        if (t != null) {
            if (t instanceof java.rmi.RemoteException) {
                throw new BusinessException(exception, t);
            } else {
                throw new BusinessException(exception, t.getCause());

If I check for (t instanceof java.rmi.ServerException) would it be true if
the server is down? Also can I modify the end point URL to an invalid url
(like say change the valid port number to an invalid one ) and assume that
the server is down
Please help me with this.


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