Hi Anne, 
thanks for your reply, i managed to generate a document/literal WSDL file (with 
java2wsdl), to use in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit Stub generator, but it seems i 
am getting the error:
"error: found unknown simple type: byte[]" . I read that this error could be 
overcome with using a document/literal WSDL file, but it hasnt. 
Any idea on how to overcome this error?
ps, SAMS Securing Web Services with WS-Security, great book! :D> Date: Tue, 11 
Mar 2008 08:35:04 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: axis-user@ws.apache.org> 
Subject: Re: WSDL> > Using the "style" parameter. See> 
http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/ant/axis-java2wsdl.html and> 
http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/reference.html#Java2WSDLReference.> > Anne> > On 
Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 3:55 PM, shams jawaid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > Hi 
Anne,> >> > thanks for your reply. How exactly would i specify the "wrapped" 
(for j2me)> > style while using the java2wsdl tool? currently i type:> >> > 
java2wsdl -cn packagename.mainclass> >> > > Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 15:39:38 
-0400> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> >> > > To: axis-user@ws.apache.org> > > 
Subject: Re: WSDL> > >> > > The Axis2 java2wsdl tool generates doc/literal -- 
but my guess is that> > > it generates too much other stuff -- e.g., 
WS-Addressing, SOAP 1.2,> > > etc. I suggest you use the Axis java2wsdl tool 
and specify "wrapped"> > > style. The resulting WSDL should be acceptable to 
J2ME. You can then> > > use that WSDL as input to the Axis2 wsdl2java tool.> > 
>> > > Anne> > >> > > On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 3:50 PM, shams jawaid <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:> > > >> > > > hi,> > > >> > > > thanks for your reply, but> 
> > >> > > > i've used the java2wsdl tool from axis2, but this does not create 
a> > > > compatible WSDL (document/literal) for J2ME stub generator,> > > >> > 
> > which i need to create it for.> > > >> > > > has anyone used the WSDP 
tools, specifically wsgen, to create a> > > > document/literal WSDL? (from 
java/class files)> > > > i've searched google, but i cant manage to get wsgen 
to work.> > > >> > > >> > > > thanks> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > 
________________________________> > > > Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 23:13:24 +0800> > 
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > To: axis-user@ws.apache.org> > > > Subject: 
Re: WSDL> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > dude> > > > 
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2002/06/05/axis.html> > > >> > > > i used 
that link to help me out.> > > >> > > > or if you're not contented with that.. 
google.. ;)> > > >> > > >> > > > On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:10 PM, shams jawaid 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > wrote:> > > >> > > >> > > > Hi,> > > >> > > > does 
anyone know how to generate a document/literal WSDL file from> > .class> > > > 
files (or .java files)?> > > > or if anyone knows how to use the 'wscompile' 
tool, please can you help> > me> > > > out and tell me what commands i need to 
follow> > > >> > > > it's urgent> > > >> > > > thanks> > > >> > > > 
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