Hello Chinmoy, 
You will not need custom deserializers (unless you mean the ones that
are auto-generated by clients), but, you are correct, you will need to
re-generate the clients (you could use any toolkit for the client). This
will save you many headaches in the future, and client-stub generation
in Axis1.X or Axis2 is not too difficult. The bottomline is that the
client must also change to match the changed services. Whenever you
change the service layer, it is highly unlikely that the existing
clients will work, as was the case when you upgraded to Axis2 on the


From: Chinmoy Chakraborty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 2:16 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to return Object[] from axis2

Hi Nadeem,
If I modify my service and make well-typed class arrays, I need a custom
deserializer at the client end, right? In that case our existing Axis1.x
client code will break....Did I get you properly?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Hoda, Nadeem [USA]

        Hello Chinmoy, 
        If it is at all possible, I would highly suggest slightly
modifying the implementation of the services to include well-typed class
arrays instead of Object arrays. This change will help you solve this
issue at hand and help you in the future when SOAP stacks change and
future needs to support multiple clients.
        We have dealt with business clients using "any" type, and it has
caused us major interop issues. 


        From: Chinmoy Chakraborty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:54 PM 

        To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
        Subject: Re: How to return Object[] from axis2

        Hi Nadeem,

        Thanks for your reply. I understand the interop problem you are
talking about and the problem related to Axis2 with Axis 1.x client.

        In our existing web services we are using Axis1.x in both ends
and Object[] worked fine for us. Now we want to upgrade to Axis2 keeping
our Axis1.x clients unaffecteted. In our application we have a service
and it's return type is Object[String, String, Object[String, String,
Object[]]], inside which we send 'String'.

        As you told and Deepal also pointed to test it with Axis2 to
Axis2 and it might work but as you explained 'any' type is probably
creating the problem. I am looking for some kind of solution that works
with Axis1.x client without any modification. Is there any way to make
Axis2 work with Axis1.x client without writing any custom deserializer
in (Axis1.x) client side? (My wild guess is Axis2 and Axis1.x do not
deal with Array in the same manner)

        WSDL in axis2 for the service that return Object[]
        <xs:schema xmlns:ns="return_object_array"
attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"
         <xs:element name="returnObjectArray">
          <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="authToken" nillable="true"
type="xs:string" /> 
         <xs:element name="returnObjectArrayResponse">
          <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="return"
nillable="true" type="xs:anyType" /> 

        WSDL in axis1.4 for the service that return Object[]

          <import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
        <complexType name="ArrayOf_xsd_anyType">
          <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
          <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType"
wsdl:arrayType="xsd:anyType[]" /> 
         <wsdl:message name="returnObjectArrayResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="returnObjectArrayReturn"
type="impl:ArrayOf_xsd_anyType" /> 


        On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Hoda, Nadeem [USA]

                Hello Chinmoy, 
                Though Axis2 might support Object[] in its services,
this is far from a best practice. 
                The WSDL should always be strongly-typed with respect to
all data constructs contained within it. All data types should have a
schema within the WSDL (this is automatic for strongly-typed POJO
                As you can see, Axis2 to Axis2 communication will
probably work for your web services, but when you move to Axis1.X or
.NET clients, you will probably have to custom deserialize the "any"
type (thus defeating the purpose of web service standards, interop
expectations, etc...)
                Instead of Object[], you should try custom classes that
define what you need. Object arrays might be convenient, but they will
greatly affect interop as you are already seeing.


                From: Chinmoy Chakraborty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 10:01 PM 

                To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
                Subject: Re: How to return Object[] from axis2

                Hi Deepal,
                Thnaks a lot for your response. I can use Axis2 in our
client side but we need to make it work with Axis 1.4 to support
backward compatibility. I checked axis2 and found that it supports
Object array as return type however, it does not work with following
return type (Object array of Objejectarray of Object array):
                public Object[] returnObjectArray(String authToken) {
                        Object[] retVal = new Object[3];
                        Object[] args = new Object[3];
                        args[0] = new Object[] {"Arg1", "Arg2", "Arg3"};
                        args[1] = new Object[] {"Arg1", "Arg2", "Arg3"};
                        args[2] = new Object[] {"Arg1", "Arg2", "Arg3"};
                        retVal[0] = new Object[] {"RetVal1", "Retval2",
authToken, args};
                        retVal[1] = new Object[] {"RetVal3", "Retval4",
authToken, args};
                        retVal[2] = new Object[] {"RetVal5", "Retval6",
authToken, args};
                        return retVal;
                Please let me know how I can make axis2 work with axis
1.4 for the above mentioned return type!!

                On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Deepal jayasinghe

                        Hi Chinmoy ,
                        If you do not mind , try to use Axis2 in the
client side . If it is
                        working then the problem should be there in
either Axis1 or the way
                        Axis2 serialize that message .
                        Thank you!
                        > Thanks a lot Deepal for your reply. I have a
made a test service that
                        > returns an object array. I can see the correct
SOAP through the
                        > SOAPMonitor (that Axis2 is returning) but in
axis 1.4 client I am
                        > getting following exception:
                        > 23938 ERROR [http8080-Processor23]
                        > org.apache.axis.client.Call     - Exception:
                        > org.xml.sax.SAXException: Found character data
inside an array element
                        > while deserializing
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        >  at
                        > .........................
                        > How can resolve above issue?
                        > Chinmoy
                        > On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Deepal
jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
                        >     Yes Axis2 support Object arrays. The error
may be due to some issue in
                        >     your code , however we can help you to fix
that if you can send us the
                        >     code or create a JIRA attaching test code.
                        >     Thank you!
                        >     Deepal
                        >     > Hi All,
                        >     >
                        >     > I am using hitting Axis2 with axis 1.4
client. I have a service
                        >     which
                        >     > returns Object[].
                        >     >
                        >     > With axis 1.4 in both ends it worked
well. But in axis2 it gives
                        >     > Nullpointer exception when the service
tried to return Object[]
                        >     > (object array).
                        >     >
                        >     > Does axis2 support object array as
return type? If yes then how
                        >     can I
                        >     > make it work with old axis1.4 client?
its necessary to support old
                        >     > axis1.4 because lots of our customers
are using axis1.4 client
                        >     and we
                        >     > need to make it backward compatible.
                        >     >
                        >     > Chinmoy
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