Hi Michael Bauer...

Many Thanks,,, this explanations help-me solve many doubts...
( and  point out others ... )
I will read this links...

thanks again...

Michael Bauer escreveu:
JVM tuning is tricky business. There are a lot of issues at play..."catch-22"'s as we like to call them in the states.

For starters, it is correct to increase the max heap if you are running out of memory. BUT...increase it too much and the JVM doesn't GC enough, it then falls into a vicious cycle where it never catches up, and eventually you run out of memory not because you didn't give it enough, but because you gave it too much.

Same issue with performance. A typical JVM implementation, like the one from Sun, pauses on full GCs. What I mean by pause is that all threads stop processing until the full GC is done. In between the full GCs the JVM will also do some partial GCs, which typically do not cause this pause. You can see this in action if you enable verbose gc logging (I think its -verbosegc or something like that). Anyway, this performance hit can also cause problems if its not well managed.

Keep in mind also that, at least in the Sun JVM, there are multiple "layers" of memory. In the case of the Sun JVM, there is Eden, Tenured, and Permgen. Eden is where short-lived object are created and destroyed. This memory is what gets swiped in the partial GC runs. If an object lives long enough, its promoted to Tenured. Eventually, long-lived objects get promoted to Permgen. I bring this up because you may be running out of Permgen and not running out of total heap. This was the case with the application I used to support, in which most of the memory was taken up by long-running service processes and singletons. Since Singletons stick around for the entire life of the application (usually), they almost always end up in Permgen, which by default is set fairly low. You can tune these three allocations independently.

Last, let me also point out that some applications tend to start multiple JVMs. For instance the IBM application TADDM starts 7 or 8 JVM instances from within the code directly. This makes it harder to set the heap sizes as they have to be changes in several places.

There are several things you can do here. First, I would invite you to read through the whitepaper here: Even if you are not using the Sun JVM, most other JVMs are similar in how they work.

Next, go check out this tool: https://cis.med.ucalgary.ca/https/java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/GCPortal/ This is specific to the Sun JVM, but it shows you quite a bit of information visually, which helps a lot. I know the IBM JVM has a similar GC analysis tool, which actually was better IMHO than the Sun tool in that it actually gave suggestions for setting up your heaps. I believe this is the link to the IBM tool: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/gcdiag

I really hope this helps. I can part by saying that I have been down this road before, and although the white papers help, they are not just cut-n-dry. Its going to take some experimentation to figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

On Apr 25, 2008, at 10:44 PM, Arlindo Luis Marcon Junior wrote:

Michael Bauer,,, thanks for your clues...
Yes,,, you are right,,, I need increase the heap size in the server side... I do it, but, if I increase more the load over tomcat/axis2, the resources run out,,, in the same manner... with the same exception... Without rampart I can increase more and more the load with no problems... But, with rampart module engaged, the response time begin to expand and then throw this exceptions...

I tried put this configurations ( Xms and XmX ) directly in the tomcat configs,,, in a static manner...

Many thanks for your attention...

Michael Bauer escreveu:
I am no where near an expert in Axis2, but I do know a little about JVM tuning. This looks to be a problem on your server. I think you need to increase the MaxHeap size. I believe the setting is -XmxXXXmb, where XXX is some amount for the size. For instance -Xmx512m would be 512m. You can usually do 'java -X' to get a listing of all the special JVM flags.

On Apr 24, 2008, at 9:51 PM, Arlindo Luis Marcon Junior wrote:

Hi All...

I had a simple service inside the tomcat 6.0.14 / axis2 1.3 with rampart module activated ( with: timestamp, signature and encryption ).
If I send many messages in sequence,,, I receiced this error below...

ERROR:  org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Java heap space
at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext(Utils.java:486) at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.handleResponse(OutInAxisOperation.java:343) at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(OutInAxisOperation.java:389) at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:211) at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:163) at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:528) at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:508)

This is a problem in Axis2 configurations, or in the JVM (jdk1.6.0_02) configurations,,, I read some articles related to JVM configs,,, and something like to expand the size of the JVM heap... May be,,, axis2 encapsulate the JVW exception in the server side and send it to me like an Axis2 exception?,,,,
Someone had some cue... about how I can solve this little trouble...
Any help is welcome...
Many Thanks in Advance...
[newbie here]

Arlindo Luis Marcon Junior
Internet Web Page: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6483462042489662
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Michael Bauer

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Arlindo Luis Marcon Junior
Internet Web Page: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6483462042489662
ICQ: 138864173
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Michael Bauer

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Arlindo Luis Marcon Junior
Internet Web Page: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6483462042489662
ICQ: 138864173
Curitiba - ParanĂ¡ - Brasil

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