Any thoughts? I am worried about extending a depricated class. Also
essentially wondering why is it depricated? And two is this the right


When using the wsdl2java utility and generating a skeleton using the
-xmlbeans switch I see the the MessageReceiver generated. This too
extends the depricated class AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver.


Again any information is greatly appreciated...




P.S. Is there documentation on extending and creating receivers? Do's
and don't's so to speak.



From: Kurt Kavanaugh 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: Multi-Part/ SOAP body return



I just implemented the ability using the axiom model to have an
OMElement[] as a return vs OMElement. Using RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver
as an example I simply modefied the findOperation and return type check
when looking at the method returnType. And the invoke now iterates over
the array and adds the children to envelope.body. All works well.


My question is this, 


The sources I have which I believe are the shipping version for 1.3 has
the below class decl


public class RawXMLINOutMultiPartMessageReceiver extends


However AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver is depricated. Taking the other
path of extending AbstractMessageReceiver means more work. However if
that is the way to go or if I am missing an *obvious* pattern please,
knock me on the head


Thanks in advance





From: Kurt Kavanaugh 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 3:51 PM
Subject: Multi-Part/ SOAP body return


Looking for



   <status error="none"/>

   <payload foo="test" />



I am implementing a service with message receiver
RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver which has a single entry point return (ie
OMElement )


Snippet from source


************* start snippet *************

OMElement result = (OMElement) method.invoke(obj, new

SOAPFactory fac = getSOAPFactory(msgContext);

SOAPEnvelope envelope = fac.getDefaultEnvelope();


if (result != null) {



************ end snippet ***************


I can see the logic, that is it is defined to return a OMElement.


I guess I am looking for 


OMElement[] result = (OMElement) method.invoke(obj, new


if (result != null) {

      envelope.getBody().addChildren(result); // pseudo code




I know I could change my return type to be a container, in essence, 




      <status error="none"/>

      <payload foo="test" />




But I would rather not. Thanks





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