The message you want to send is not a valid SOAP message. You may have
at most one child element in the SOAP Body. You should define a
wrapper element for your two elements.


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Kurt Kavanaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any thoughts? I am worried about extending a depricated class. Also
> essentially wondering why is it depricated? And two is this the right
> approach?
> When using the wsdl2java utility and generating a skeleton using the
> –xmlbeans switch I see the the MessageReceiver generated. This too extends
> the depricated class AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver.
> Again any information is greatly appreciated…
> Kurt
> P.S. Is there documentation on extending and creating receivers? Do's and
> don't's so to speak.
> ________________________________
> From: Kurt Kavanaugh
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 4:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Multi-Part/ SOAP body return
> I just implemented the ability using the axiom model to have an OMElement[]
> as a return vs OMElement. Using RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver as an example I
> simply modefied the findOperation and return type check when looking at the
> method returnType. And the invoke now iterates over the array and adds the
> children to envelope.body. All works well.
> My question is this,
> The sources I have which I believe are the shipping version for 1.3 has the
> below class decl
> public class RawXMLINOutMultiPartMessageReceiver extends
> AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver
> However AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver is depricated. Taking the other
> path of extending AbstractMessageReceiver means more work. However if that
> is the way to go or if I am missing an *obvious* pattern please, knock me on
> the head
> Thanks in advance
> Kurt
> ________________________________
> From: Kurt Kavanaugh
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 3:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Multi-Part/ SOAP body return
> Looking for
> <soapenv:body>
>    <status error="none"/>
>    <payload foo="test" />
> </soapenv:body>
> I am implementing a service with message receiver RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver
> which has a single entry point return (ie OMElement )
> Snippet from source
> ************* start snippet *************
> OMElement result = (OMElement) method.invoke(obj, new
> Object[]{msgContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement()});
> SOAPFactory fac = getSOAPFactory(msgContext);
> SOAPEnvelope envelope = fac.getDefaultEnvelope();
> if (result != null) {
>       envelope.getBody().addChild(result);
> }
> ************ end snippet ***************
> I can see the logic, that is it is defined to return a OMElement.
> I guess I am looking for
> OMElement[] result = (OMElement) method.invoke(obj, new
> Object[]{msgContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement()});
> if (result != null) {
>       envelope.getBody().addChildren(result); // pseudo code
> }
> I know I could change my return type to be a container, in essence,
> <soapenv:body>
>    <result>
>       <status error="none"/>
>       <payload foo="test" />
>    </result>
> </soapenv:body>
> But I would rather not. Thanks
> Kurt

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