Hi folks,

I have been working on a POJO-based application to be run under Axis2.  (I
am currently using release 1.4.)

I have encountered the following problem:  I compile the service using Ant
to an .aar and deploy it (using code modified from the sample
WeatherSpringService).  I am using a vanilla service.xml file and letting
Axis2 do its magic and generate the WSDL.  This all works fine.  But then I
changed the name of one of the methods and added some others.  When I
redeploy the service Axis2 listServices still lists the old method name and
none of the new methods are shown.  When I look at the WSDL it is correct
for the old service.

I have confirmed that the new .aar has been deployed correctly, shut down
and restarted Tomcat, (tried other variations like shutting down Tomcat,
deleting the .aar, starting up Tomcat, then redeploying the .aar), shut down
and restarted Apache, and cleared the browser caches.  None of this has
helped.  Shutting down Tomcat, deleting the Axis2 service, and reinstalling
the .war fixes this.  I have concluded from the system behaviour that Axis2
is caching its generated WSDL for the service somewhere and isn’t deciding
to do a cache refresh.  I have searched everywhere I imagine this
information might be stored, but have been unsuccessful in finding it.

My questions are:  if I am not barking up the wrong tree, where is the WSDL
cached and how do I go about clearing this cache?
Stephen Kilburn
GeoPraxis Inc.

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