
not cached in WL
which platform are you using?

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> To:
> Subject: Clearing caching of WSDL
> Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 21:09:12 -0400
> Hi folks,
> I have been working on a POJO-based application to be run under Axis2.  (I
> am currently using release 1.4.)
> I have encountered the following problem:  I compile the service using Ant
> to an .aar and deploy it (using code modified from the sample
> WeatherSpringService).  I am using a vanilla service.xml file and letting
> Axis2 do its magic and generate the WSDL.  This all works fine.  But then I
> changed the name of one of the methods and added some others.  When I
> redeploy the service Axis2 listServices still lists the old method name and
> none of the new methods are shown.  When I look at the WSDL it is correct
> for the old service.
> I have confirmed that the new .aar has been deployed correctly, shut down
> and restarted Tomcat, (tried other variations like shutting down Tomcat,
> deleting the .aar, starting up Tomcat, then redeploying the .aar), shut down
> and restarted Apache, and cleared the browser caches.  None of this has
> helped.  Shutting down Tomcat, deleting the Axis2 service, and reinstalling
> the .war fixes this.  I have concluded from the system behaviour that Axis2
> is caching its generated WSDL for the service somewhere and isn’t deciding
> to do a cache refresh.  I have searched everywhere I imagine this
> information might be stored, but have been unsuccessful in finding it.
> My questions are:  if I am not barking up the wrong tree, where is the WSDL
> cached and how do I go about clearing this cache?
> _____________________________________________________________
> Stephen Kilburn
> GeoPraxis Inc.
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