Hi All,

Suran has got Apache Qpid working under JMS transport and had a few
questions for me.
Instead of answering him individually I wrote up the following in case
anybody else has questions.

I have tested the following with Axis2 1.4 release and should work well with
the up comming Synapse release as well.

Documentation is broken into two sections.
It is important to read and understand the pros and cons for each option.

If you have any questions/suggestions please post on
And/Or open a JIRA at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/qpid
Your feedback is most welcomed.

1) Configuring the JMS transport using Apache Qpid M2.1 release.
   This version is the latest stable release and supports the 0-9 version of
the AMQP protocol.
   You can download it from here http://cwiki.apache.org/qpid/download.html
   It is recomended that you use the Java broker.
   This is the recomended production version.

2) Configuring the JMS transport using Apache Qpid trunk. (with the usual
caveat that it is a less stable and a moving target).
   The trunk supports the 0-10 version of the AMQP protocol.
   You can build it from source.
   Next release is M3

   Has the following enchancements in the JMS client over M2.1

   1) You can specify multiple binding keys per destination.
      i.e you could bind a queue to a particular exchange using several
binding keys there by allowing you to listen from multiple sources.

   2) You can bind your queue to any exchange type using the binding URL.

   3) You can set the following options per JMS connection.
      maxprefetch - The maximum number of pre-fetched messages per
      sync_persistence - When true, a sync command is sent after every
persistent message to guarantee that it has been received by the broker.

   4) A new blocking transport (as an alternative to MINA) that gives much
better latency, memory and increased throughput in many cases.

   Supported Broker
   Currently only the c++ broker supports the 0-10 version.
   Supported platform is linux.

   In the pipeline
   Java Broker - expected to be in M3 release. Currently being refactored
   C++ broker - solaris and windows port are in progress (likely to be in M3

1.0 Configuring the JMS transport using Apache Qpid M2.1 release

1.1 Qpid provides a convinient properties file based JNDI mechanism.
For provider URL please specify the location of the jndi.properties file.

<parameter name="myTopicConnectionFactory">

1.2 The following link provides documentation for the jndi.properties file.

The connection URL format is given here.

1.3 The JMS transport allows you to specify a custom destination for your
service via the "transport.jms.Destination" parameter.
If you do not specify this then the JMS transport will create a queue with
the service name as its name.
In AMQP world the above translates to the following.
A queue will be created with service name as its name and will be bound to
the amq.direct exchange with service name as the routing key.

If you specify a custom destination name via transport.jms.Destination in
your services.xml then Qpid will look that up in the jndi.properties file
and create queue based on the definition given in the file.
The binding URL format is given here.

2.0 Configuring the JMS transport using Apache Qpid trunk
In addition to whats described above you can do the following.

2.1 Specifing multiple binding keys per destination

The above will create a queue named WeatherQueue and will bind it to
amq.topic with 'weather.us.*' and 'weather.ca.*' as the binding keys. The
broker will then route any messages that matches the above patterns into

2.2 Binding your queue to any exchange type the broker supports
By using the binding URL you can bind your queue to any exchange type the
broker supports.

For example if you want to bind your queue to a fanout exchange

2.3 Setting prefetch limit and sync_persistence per JMS connection
amqp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

2.4 Using the new transport
Set -Dtransport=io when starting Axis2 or Synapse.


Rajith Attapattu
Red Hat

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