Morning all,

I'm a little confused about the role of JAX-WS in Axis2. Maybe someone
can enlighten me a little. My previous WS experiences were in C# and
I've only been investigating the Java options for a month or so.

Specifically, there seems to be a lot of overlap between the features
described in this page:

and those described in this one:

For example: The first talks about XML Source, SAAJ and JAXB
databinding, the second about ADB, XMLBeans and JiBX.

The first talks about using wsimport to create server classes from a
WSDL, the second talks about using wsdl2java for the same purpose.

What's going on here? To a new user this redundancy is rather
unsettling, especially given that neither of the documents really
refers to the other one. I had been using Axis2 1.3, and all the
JAX-WS stuff is new in 1.4 right? I'd been under the impression that
JAX-WS was a rival technology to Axis2, but it seems I was wrong. This
isn't helped by the fact that a lot of articles on Java WS topics are
out of date or just plain wrong, which I suppose can't be helped with
a fast moving field containing lots of inter-related strands.

My usage scenario looks like this:

- Top-down (WSDL-first) design

- WS-I compliance required

- Complex data structures in the schema

- Interopability with non-Java clients required

Should I be going down the JAX-WS route or the 'native' Axis2 route?
[Or another framework completely? ;-) ]

And with which of the many databinding options?

Many thanks,


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