2008/7/7 Virtual Light <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> JAX-WS with JAXB bindings is your best bet for compatibility across
> different SOAP engines.  Forget about the wsdl2JAVA that is in Axis2 1.4 and
> use wsimport(contract first)/wsgen(code first).  Both of these are now part
> of JDK 1.6.

Okay... Thanks. From my brief look at wsimport it does seem to produce
slightly more readable code than wsdl2java/ADB, and as long as it
doesn't choke on any of the data structures in my XSDs I should be
fine. (Is there any documentation on that anywhere?)

It still seems like there's a bit of an explanatory gulf in the Axis2
manual between the parts that refer to Axis2's own code generation
tools and data bindings, and the parts that use the JAX-WS approach...

One question. Can a JAX-WS-style service deployed in Axis2 still be
accessible via REST the way a conventional Axis2-style service can?



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