Hi Guys,

Am facing a very peculiar problem while trying to set HTTP headers from
axis2 1.3api.
Setting some HTTP headers works while others do not. The following two
work like a charm,



HTTPConstants.CHUNKED, Boolean.FALSE);

But this just does not work and this is what I need for my application



Is there some thing that am missing or is it some bug that needs to be
fixed.Could someone please help me out here.

BACKGROUND: I have Axis2 running in an ear deployed on JBOSS. There is a
thread that creates SOAP requests and sends them using a stub generated
client to a MockService hosted on SoapUI. All of them co-exist on the
same machine. I am facing a strange problem in the sense that the thread
always throws SocketTimeOut exception (which results in the thread
resending the packet twice again). But SoapUI displays all three
messages after a long time. However this is not consistent behavior as
the same message comes perfectly sometimes but times out at other times.

I presume SoapUI is still waiting for some more input from the
connection and hence the time out exception. I changed the  HTTP
protocol version in Axis2.xml to 1.0 and this problem does not occur. Am
guessing it is because of 1.1persistent connections. However changing to
1.0 would mean losing out on all the enhancements which is not correct.
Hence am trying to close the connection for every request but thats not
working as mentioned above.

Please suggest any alternatives as am working against a deadline. :o(

Thanks a lot in advance



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