
I'm not an Axis1 expert, so I can't actually help you. But reading
your note I can tell that there isn't enough information for someone
to help you. You need to post some information on how you created the
client, or even better post the client code.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:29 AM, WHIRLYCOTT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've generated some java code using Axis and some wsdl and I'm having
> trouble that I'm sure is in the client side.  I'll try to make this brief to
> see if any body has pointers, but I'm trying to serialize a simple
> java.lang.String object that Axis is somehow mis-typing as an xsi:guid.
>  Notice the presence of xsi:type="ns3:guid" in the request below.  That's
> wrong - and it's causing the .NET service to barf up an error at request
> time.  It ought to be an xsd:string.  I'm using Axis 1.4.
> Notice that I'm happily serializing a java.util.Date object as an
> xsd:dateTime object as well.  That works all the time.  All java.lang.String
> objects that I pass in to my client code somehow cause *something* in Axis
> to try to serialize them as a guid.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="";
> xmlns:xsd="";
> xmlns:xsi="";>
> ...
> <CDFList xsi:type="ns2:ArrayOfAnyType"
> xmlns:ns2="";>
> <ns2:anyType xsi:type="ns2:CDF">
> <ns2:ProfileFieldName>username</ns2:ProfileFieldName>
> <ns2:ValueType>String</ns2:ValueType>
> <ns2:Value xsi:type="ns3:guid"
> xmlns:ns3="";>philtest1215573741652</ns2:Value>
> </ns2:anyType>
> <ns2:anyType xsi:type="ns2:CDF">
> <ns2:ProfileFieldName>CREATED_DATE</ns2:ProfileFieldName>
> <ns2:ValueType>String</ns2:ValueType>
> <ns2:Value xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2008-07-09T03:22:21.654Z</ns2:Value>
> </ns2:anyType>
> </CDFList>
> ...
> Here's the fault string:
> <faultstring>Server was unable to read request. ---&gt; There is an error in
> XML document (1, 1261). ---&gt; Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes
> (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).</faultstring>
> Thoughts?
> phil.
> --
>                                   Whirlycott
>                                   Philip Jacob
>                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder and CTO, WSO2
Apache Synapse PMC Chair


"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

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