I'm using POJO web service development, and have generated a WSDL using 
Java2WSDL, which seems to be invalid.  When I import this WSDL into my XML 
firewall it says its invalid.  I then loaded into XMLSpy to do a validation on 
it, and it reports errors:

attribute 'part' in element '<mine: content>' refers to part 'sendFile SWA' 
which could not be found in message 'sendFileSWARequest'

So, Here is what I am seeing:

In the message part of the WSDL this is being generated:

<wsdl:message name="sendFileSWARequest">
     <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="ns:sendFileSWA"/>

And the operation part of the WSDL, this is being generated:

<wsdl:binding name="SOATestLabServiceHttpBinding" 
   <http:binding verb="POST"/>
      <wsdl:operation name="sendFileSWA">
         <http:operation location="SOATestLabService/sendFileSWA"/>
            <mime:content type="text/xml" part="sendFileSWA"/> 
           <mime:content type="text/xml" part="sendFileSWA"/>


Notice above that the part name is being called 'parameters', and is called 
that for each and ever message part being generated.   However, when the 
operation section references this message part its being called the name of the 
method that is invoking this ('sendFileSWA' in this example).  It appears that 
the message parts are not being generated correctly. 

For your reference, when I import the WSDL into my Datapower XML Firewall, it 
gives me this error:

Fatal Error at line 660: message part sendFileSWA not found.

Attached is my WSDL.  How do I get the WSDL to generate properly or is this a 
bug, or is my firewall being overly strict?  



Attachment: SOATestLabService.wsdl
Description: SOATestLabService.wsdl

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