Hello Deepal,

Sorry I did not explained myself...

I want to accomplish two things:
1. generate a project structure for ws development (using a maven archetype 
2. automatically generate sources, compile classes, pack AAR, pack a WAR so I 
can deploy this WAR in a webserver or test it with jetty.

Thank you

On Thursday 16 October 2008 14:18:22 Deepal jayasinghe wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am thinking on migrating the project management of my webservices
> > projects from ant to maven2. Does anyone have experience with maven2 and
> > axis2? I can't find an archetype for WebServices (server-side) using
> > axis2. Should I use a standard webapp archetype?
> > What I found is a plugin that generates AAR files
> > (http://ws.apache.org/axis2/tools/1_4_1/maven-plugins/maven-aar-plugin.ht
> >ml) and a code generation plugin
> > (http://ws.apache.org/axis2/tools/1_4_1/maven-
> > plugins/maven-wsdl2code-plugin.html)
> Those plugins are to create service and module archives. But I do not
> fully understand your problem , what really you trying to do ?
> Thank you!
> Deepal
> > Thank you

David Ojeda

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