I am using wsdl2java to generate stubs for my client. I used the "o" switch to 
specify the output directory and -p for my package. Say, I specify my my o to 
be current directory (i.e. ".")package to be "com.test". All my stubs were 
generated in correct package but inside a newly created "src" directory (e.g. 
my MySvcStub will be in src/com/test directory). Is there any way to generate 
all stubs without putting them in the "src" folder? (any settings somewhere?)  
(visually see below). 

The reason being under my existing "src" I have a "java" folder all my packages 
are inside "java" directory, I also have a property directory under "src" for 
my configurations. my wsdl2java.bat is inside src/java. I want to put my 
generated stubs in the same place (src/java) where other class files are, not 
under "src/java/src". I remembered that the package was generated right where 
you specified without being put under some auto generated "src". Please help. 

This is what is now: after wsdl2java.bat -o . -p com.test -uri 
  |   |_com
  |      |_xyz
  |        |__Product.java
  |      |__conf.prperties
  |      |__ ...
 This is what i want:
    |   |_com
    |      |_xyz
    |      |  |__Product.java
    |      |
    |      |_test
    |         |__MySvcStub.java
           |__ ...
Any suggestions?  Thank you.

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