       I am using axis2 1.4.1 to generate java classes from a wsdl file. The
web services are exposed by the SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services. I
wanted to know if there is any command line option while using
wsdl2java.bat to skip generating some classes (In my case a soap
header called TrustedUserHeader). I use the following command to
convert wsdl to java

       wsdl2java.bat -o E:\wsdl2java\ -p
sqlserver.reporting.reportingexecutionservices -ss -g -ns2p
-uri http://v-sql-2k8/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx

       I want to skip generation of the TrustedUserHeader class. If anyone
can provide any guidance it would be very helpful

Note : The wsdl file has the same namespace for all the classes. Hence
the namespace of the TrustedUserHeader class is also

Thanks in advance,
Amit Shah.

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