Hi Edu,
adding  -uw  (un-wrapping) option will solve your problem.

WSDL2Code -uri <Location of WSDL> -uw

Thanks ,

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Eduard Martínez
<martinez.ber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a newbie with webservices and AXIS and I'm trying to build a webservice
> using wsdl2java. I want to make an operation that needs a string as a
> parameter.
> Then I've written this xml:
> (...)
>     <wsdl:message name="getTestRequest" >
>         <wsdl:part name="id" element="xs:string" />
>     </wsdl:message>
> (...)
> But the generated code doesn't compile. If I use this code instead:
> <wsdl:types>
>         <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://example.org/foo";
>             elementFormDefault="qualified">
>             <xs:element name="identificator">
>                 <xs:complexType>
>                     <xs:sequence>
>                         <xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" />
>                     </xs:sequence>
>                 </xs:complexType>
>             </xs:element>
> (...)
>     <wsdl:message name="getTestRequest" >
>         <wsdl:part name="id" element="tns:identificator" />
>     </wsdl:message>
> (...)
> The code builds succesfully, but the string is encapsulated in an useless
> class. There is no better way to pass a simple parameter?
> Thanks,
> Edu

Sagara Gunathunga

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