Hi Amila,
 I am also running into the same issue.

Could you please confirm which version of Axis2-ADB support both extension
and restrictions?

I can see the following on

Known Limitations

ADB is meant to be a 'Simple' databinding framework and was not meant to
compile all types of schemas. The following limitations are the most

   1. Complex Type Extensions and Restrictions.

The documentation says, it is a known limitation.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Amila Suriarachchi <
amilasuriarach...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Damian Carey <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm moderately experience Java Desktop (Swing/RMI/DB/Hibernate etc)
>> developer with some XML experience, but no SOAP experience. My current
>> Axis2 problem is just that I do not have experienced eyes, and so I
>> can't accurately "sniff" potential problems. I would be most
>> appreciative of any suggestions / guidance / advice  regarding these
>> beginners issues.
>> We have a task to connect ourselves to an existing webservice, and we
>> have been given a WSDL file to develop our web services client.
>> Question 1: Limitations of ADB:
>> Firstly after reading
>> http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_4_1/userguide-creatingclients.html#choosingclient
>> I decided on ADB as a client as it seems to be the simplest. However,
>> that web page has the following intriguing comment regarding ADB :
>> "... and has difficulty with structures such as XML Schema element
>> extensions and restrictions".  For what it is worth I have scanned the
>> WSDL file and found zero instances of the string "extension", and 26
>> instances of the string "restriction". All the "restriction"s are of
>> the form
>> <simpleType name="WorkType">
>>    <restriction base="xsd:string">
>>        <enumeration value="LABR"/>
>>        <enumeration value="OTH"/>
>>    </restriction>
>> </simpleType>
>> Is it easy to tell if these potential ADB "difficulties" applies to us?
>> Can experienced eyes look through a WSDL and recognise where ADB
>> will/may have a problem?
>> Or is it just a matter of waiting until testing to discover problems?
> Currently ADB supports both extension and restrictions.
>> Question 2: Size of the stub:
>> Going through the process on the Axis2 web site I created the stub.
>> The WSDL file is >50KB, and the generated STUB is more than 50,000
>> lines long and 2.4MB in size!!!  Now I was surprised by the size, but
>> browsing through the stub it all seems reasonable and in order - even
>> if it is a touch verbose.  I really don't care about the size if it is
>> going to work OK.  I only care about the size if it may indicate that
>> there may be a problem.
> use -u option.
>> Does the massive size of the stub indicate any problem?
>> Does it suggest that ADB may not cope and perhaps we should pursue one
>> of the other methods? (such as XMLBeans or JiBX)
> thanks,
> Amila.
>> Any guidance would be much appreciated.
>> Thanks for your time.
>> -Damian
> --
> Amila Suriarachchi
> WSO2 Inc.
> blog: http://amilachinthaka.blogspot.com/

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